Lets Go! Time is Ticking!








We are excited to announce our 3rd Annual Nevada Statewide Conference on Addressing Homelessness, scheduled for October 7-8 at the Flamingo Las Vegas.

Homelessness remains a pressing issue in Nevada, with the number of individuals experiencing homelessness steadily increasing. Despite ongoing efforts, this trend highlights the urgent need for collaborative and innovative solutions.

Our conference provides a crucial platform for stakeholders from various sectors—including government agencies, non-profit organizations, businesses, community members, and People with Lived Experience—to come together, share insights, and explore effective strategies to combat homelessness. We are proud to share that our 2022 and 2023 conferences were sold out, with over 300 attendees from across the state including special guests from HUD, as well as written, video, and in person support of State, County, and City Elected Officials from across Nevada, National Alliance to End Homelessness, National Low Income Housing Coalition, and United States Interagency Council on Homelessness— reflecting the high level of engagement and the critical importance of this issue.

Registration information 

Tickets on sale NOW

Registration includes full access to the two day conference including continental breakfast on both days and lunch on day one. On day two, lunch will be on your own. Parking is included. Please take advantage of early bird registration for a discount. 
Early Bird Registration: $150 (August 5- August 31)
Registration: $200 (September 1- October 7)

Please consider donating to the Nevada Homeless Alliance to support scholarships for People with Lived Experience of Homelessness to attend. Use the link below to donate. Your name or agency name will appear in our conference brochure as a donor!!

Lets LEVEL UP Policy, Practice, and Partnerships!!

We would like to thank our Presenting Sponsor!

We would like to thank our Promoting Sponsor!

Breakfast Sponsor

Breakfast Sponsor

Supporting Sponsor

Supporting Sponsor