Homelessness is a solvable problem that has lost its sense of urgency. Built for Zero is a rigorous national change effort designed to help a core group of committed US communities end chronic and veteran homelessness.  Southern Nevada is making strides to become the first large community to end chronic homelessness in the country!

The Challenge

Tonight, thousands of men, women, and children in Southern Nevada will be without a home.

What is Chronic Homelessness?

Individuals experiencing chronic homelessness:

    • Have a diagnosed mental or physical disability, and
    • Have experienced homelessness for at least one year, or;
    • Have experienced at least four episodes of homelessness within the past three years where those occasions cumulatively total at least 12 months.

    The Connection Between Housing and Homelessness

    Southern Nevada’s lowest-income renters spend more than two-thirds of their income on rent, leaving little left for food, transportation, health expenses, and other fundamental needs. Lack of affordable housing is one of the largest barriers to solving homelessness in our region.

Homeless and Waiting for Housing in Southern Nevada as of March 2019

Total Persons

Chronically Homeless

Families with Children


Our Goal

Become the first large community to end chronic homelessness.

We will do this by:

                  • Expanding supportive housing resources to meet the demand of our community.
                  • Developing a strategy to move people into affordable housing.
                  • Preventing people from experiencing homelessness through diversion.

Making an Impact

By providing the necessary supportive housing – the component our region’s homeless services infrastructure needs most – we will be able to move people from the streets into their own homes.

You can help by joining Built for Zero and investing funds toward adding permanent supportive housing units (affordable housing + supportive services) for people who are chronically homeless.

The Key to Addressing Homelessness is in Our Hands

An extensive body of evidence supports that affordable housing coupled with supportive services saves the community money and improves housing, healthcare, and quality of life outcomes for people who are both homeless and disabled.  For this reason, Built for Zero wil provide easily accessible and individualized supportive services to those needing assistance.

Building on the success of the existing programs and services of HELP of Southern Nevada, Lutheran Social Services of Nevada, and U.S.VETS-Las Vegas, this initiative will allow for us to provide more housing and supportive services through collaboration and pooling our resources.

Investing in Supportive Housing Saves Money

Using the supportive housing model results in cost savings of over $52,000 per year.

The current cost to the community for 1 chronically homeless person to continue frequent use of public resources.

The cost to YOU, the taxpayer, for 850 frequent users of hospitals, jails, and other community resources.

The cost for 1 year of Permanent Supportive Housing for 1 chronically homeless person.

The cost for 1 year of Permanent Supportive Housing for 850 chronically homeless people.

Our Progress

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Make a secure donation to the Built for Zero Housing Fund, managed by the Nevada Community Foundation.  Note: Once you follow the link below to the Nevada Community Foundation’s secure giving site, select “Built for Zero Fund”.

Thank you donors!

Get Involved

Interested in joining our work?  Attend a meeting.

Interested in having our Built for Zero leadership team present to your foundation or business?

For more information, contact info@builtforzerosn.org